
"write protect" your pendrive or USB devices problem solve

For many days i am suffering a great problem with my Pendrive and USB disk.Many of my pendrive when i insert my computer system and try to transfer files from hard drive and copy from pendrive and USB disk then it is showing me ""write protect"" .What a bad problem it is! I have got a perfect and easy solution for this problem and i will share this with you.
Not i am alone many of my friends also tell me "how to remove write protection"
Write protect pendrive devices problem solution::::
When you will fall this kinds of bad problem the windows system will show you this messages like """Error copying file and folder""
Can not copy cd keys:the dick is write protected.
remove the write-protected or use another disk.
like this kinds of error messages can show.

write protect
how to remove write protection

Now it is the time to solve the simple problem.Just follow the simple steps::

Start menu>>Run>>>(write search box)regedit>>Press enter

Now just follow
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>System>>current control set>>Control>>storage device policy>>Click Write protect(right side)>>double click.
show you a Value data box .open it and put value rate 0 and press enter.
If need Restart you PC.and you have done.
